1URBANP01.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                URBAN TRANSPORTATION SECURITY                             


                       Robert W. Dart                         
                     Gang Crimes Section
                  Chicago Police Department


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250LAW.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

The text of Section 250.12 of the Model Penal Code


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251LAW.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

The text of Section 251.4 of the Model Penal Code


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2CORRUPT05.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08



                       Otis E. Cooksey                                     
                Major, Military Police Advisor
                  U.S. Army Readiness Group
                   Fort Sam Houston, Texas


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2DEVELOPP04.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08


                       Paul Hansen                                
               Irondequoit Police Department
                   Rochester, New York


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3POLPRACP09.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                       POLICE PRACTICES                                  
                TELEMARKETING CRIME PREVENTION                        


                     David I. Rechenmacher                                 
          Downers Grove, Illinois, Police Department


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4POLPRAC14.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                       POLICE PRACTICES:                               
          MINISTERS TEAM WITH POLICE TO KEEP THE PEACE                     


                         D. R. Staton 
                Police and Ministers Associaton
                   Virginia Beach, Virginia
                         Larry Edwards                                  
           Daytona Beach Police-Ministers Association


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4PUSHERP10.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                     THE RESPECTABLE PUSHER                          


                        Jeffrey D. Lane                                 
           Agent serving as Director of Investigations
                Georgia Examining Boards Division
                Office of the Secretary of State
                        Atlanta, Georgia


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5BADCHECP15.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

              TAKING THE BOUNCE OUT OF BAD CHECKS                        


                       Vinse J. Gilliam                                     
             Senior District Attorney Investigator
     Ventura County, California, District Attorney's Office


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6POVIEW20.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                         POINT OF VIEW:                                   
                    MANAGING FOR EXCELLENCE                            


                         David A. King
                        Chief of Police
           Perkasie, Pennsylvania, Police Department


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6RESFORU.P20.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                        RESEARCH FORUM                                 
                   MCGRUFF ROBOT TEACHES KIDS                    


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7DRUGTES22.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08



                       W. Michael Troop
          Acting Kentucky State Police Commissioner
                     Secretary of Justice
                          Jerry Lovitt
         Commander, Operations Division (East Branch)
                     Kentucky State Police


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8CIVILFO.P26.zip (9K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                        CIVIL FORFEITURE:


                        Thomas V. Kukura
                      J.D., Special Agent                         
               Drug Enforcement Administration
                        Legal Instructor
                          FBI Academy


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8INTERRO28.zip (8K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

               IMPACT OF MINNICK V. MISSISSIPPI        

                     Kimberly A. Crawford                                  
                        Special Agent
                       Legal Instructor
                         FBI Academy 
                      Quantico, Virginia


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9BRIEF.P32.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                             LEGAL BRIEF


                  Special Agent Jeffrey Higginbotham,
                     Legal Instructor, FBI Academy


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ACADEMY10.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                   CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMIES                         


                  Martin Alan Greenberg, M.A.                                 
            Chairman, Department of Criminal Justice
                Ulster County Community College
                     Stone Ridge, New York 


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AFIS.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                        POLICE PRACTICES                              


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ALCOR.zip (48K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

Details of a cryogenics company lawsuit.


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ARTICLES.zip (21K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

A bibliography of computer security articles.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                      POLICE PRACTICES:


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of this website or its operators. Our only intent is to provide this material
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CANDP.zip (31K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

Crime and Puzzlement


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CELLMATE.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                      CELLMATE INFORMANTS:  


                Kimberly Kingston Crawford, J.D.                               
               Special Agent and Legal Instructor
                           FBI Academy 
                        Quantico, Virginia


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CIVLRGHT14.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08



                           John Epke, M.A.
                            Special Agent
                    Supervisor, Civil Rights Unit
                   Criminal Investigative Division
                   Federal Bureau of Investigation
                           Washington, DC
                          Linda Davis, J.D.
                       Chief, Criminal Section
                        Civil Rights Division
                     U.S. Department of Justice
                           Washington, DC


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CONSOLI.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                 PUBLIC SERVICES CONSOLIDATION:                            
              THE ANSWER TO YOUR COMMUNITY'S NEEDS                    


                        Robert L. Sobba            
               Caldwell, Idaho, Police Department


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COPYRITE.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

Copyright FAQ


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COURIERS.P27.zip (9K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                      RECENT COURT DECISIONS        


                       William U. McCormack                        
                           Special Agent
                         Legal Instructor
                            FBI Academy 
                        Quantico, Virginia


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                        CRIMINAL INFORMANTS:  
                AN ADMISTRATOR'S DREAM OR NIGHTMARE?        


                         Harry A. Mount, Jr.                              
                           Special Agent
               FBI's Newark, New Jersey, Field Office 


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                     DELIBERATE INDIFFERENCE:
                    THE STANDARD FOR MUNICIPAL 
                      SUPERVISORY LIABILITY                          


                      Michael Callahan, J.D.                          
            Special Agent and Principal Legal Advisor 
                         FBI Field Office
                      Boston, Massachusetts


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DISABIL25.zip (12K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

             THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT                              


                  Jeffrey Higginbotham J.D.        
                        Special Agent
                      Legal Instructor
                         FBI Academy
                     Quantico, Virginia


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

         DIASTER OPERATIONS:  NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL                        


                       Michael Guerin 
         Assistant Chief, Law Enforcement Division
          Governor's Office of Emergency Services
                     Ontario, California


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                         POINT OF VIEW                                       
                      DISPATCHING UNITS:
              IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE "FIRST LINE"             


                       Bob Blankenship
           Redding, California, Police Department


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                      DOMESTIC VIOLENCE:                                  


                Daniel L. Schofield, S.J.D.                                   
                       Special Agent
               Chief, Legal Instruction Unit
                        FBI Academy


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DRIVERS.zip (2K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                         RESEARCH FORUM


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DRUGDIVP01.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

              PHARMACEUTICAL DIVERSION AND ABUSE:                        
                OUR NATION'S OTHER DRUG PROBLEM                         


                      Thomas C. Babicke                                     
             Diversion Investigator and Instructor 
                Drug Enforcement Administration
                      Quantico, Virginia


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DRUGTEST.P12.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                        NO EASY ANSWERS       


                        Andrew J. Harvey                                    
             Alhambra, California, Police Department 


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                BANK EMPLOYEE EMBEZZLEMENT                        


                      Denise M. Dube                                     
                 Supervisory Investigator
              Los Angeles County, California,
                District Attorney's Office


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS                         


                John L. Pape, Chief of Police
              Weslaco, Texas, Police Department


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EP_FORUM.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FORUM                       

                        Michael A. O'Brien                                
                    Assistant State's Attorney
                Chief of the Economic Crimes Unit 
          Office of the State Attorney, Orlando, Florida


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ETHICS.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                          POINT OF VIEW
                    REDEDICATING OURSELVES TO 

                          Vane R. King                                     
                Flint, Michigan, Police Department


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

A collection of FBI bulletins covering a wide range of topics


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                    THE FEDERAL GRAND JURY:                          
          EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE OF SECRECY (PART II)                       


                      Austin A. Andersen                                    
          Special Agent Andersen and Legal Instructor
                 FBI Academy 


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FENCESP06.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                          ROP-ing IN FENCES                            


                            James Rainum
                       Repeat Offender Project
                    Metropolitan Police Department
                          Washington, D.C.,
                             Nancy Brown
                       Repeat Offender Projcet
                    Metropolitan Police Department
                          Washington, D.C.
                         Raymond Smith, Jr.              
                           Special Agent
              FBI's Washington Metropolitan Field Office


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FORENP11.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

             THE FBI'S FORENSIC DNA ANALYSIS PROGRAM                           


                           Jay V. Miller                                   
                          Program Manager
             National DNA Index at FBI Headquarters 
                          Washington, DC.


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GUNSHOT.P19.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                     GUNSHOT PRIMER RESIDUE:  
                       THE INVISIBLE CLUE                       


                         Roger W. Aaron
                         Special Agent
                         FBI Laboratory 
                        Washington, D.C. 


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                        Floyd I. Clarke 
                        Deputy Director 
                 Federal Bureau of Investigation


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

             A LOW COST APPROACH TO HIGH TECHNOLOGY                           


                           Mark Clark
            South Portland, Maine, Police Department 


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                   POLICE AND THE HOMELESS                         


               Barney Melekian                           
         Santa Monica, California, Police Department


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HOSTAGE.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                  HOSTAGE/BARRICADE INCIDENTS:                          
           HIGH RISK FACTORS AND THE ACTION CRITERIA                         


                       G. Dwayne Fuselier
              Special Agent, Inspection Division
               FBI Headquarters, Washington, DC

                     Clinton R. Van Zandt
                        Special Agent
             Special Operations and Research Unit
                         FBI Academy

                     Frederick J. Lancely
                        Special Agent
             Special Operations and Research Unit
                         FBI Academy


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HOTEL.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                        POLICE PRACTICES                                     
                      OPERATION HOTEL-MOTEL


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IDENTP01.zip (8K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

         IDENTIFICATION:  A MOVE TOWARD THE FUTURE                         
                     Bruce J. Brotman 
             Special Agent and Section Chief 
       Automation, Research and Development Section 
               FBI Identification Division 
                     Rhonda K. Pavel                           
                Computer Systems Analyst 
       Automation, Research and Development Section 
               FBI Identification Division 


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

          ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES: INVESTIGATIVE BASICS                        


                        Martin Wright
                  Deputy Assistant Director
              Office of Criminal Investigations
               Environmental Protection Agency


                        William Imfeld                              
                   Assistant Special Agent
              Albany, New York, FBI Field Office


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JUDNA.P26.zip (10K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

              JUDICIAL ACCEPTANCE OF DNA PROFILING               


                     John T. Sylvester, J.D.
                     John H. Stafford, J.D.              
                         Special Agents 
             DNA Task Force, Legal Counsel Division
                Federal Bureau of Investigation 
                         Washington, DC


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                 "Media Performance and International Law"
                       by Howard H. Frederick, Ph.D.


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MEDIC.P21.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                      MEDICAID FRAUD                                  


                      Larry L. Bailey                                       
                 Deputy Chief Investigator
             Colorado Attorney General's Office
                Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
                      Denver, Colorado


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MILITARY.P24.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                     MILITARY SUPPORT TO 

                      R. Barry Cronin                                       
               U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters 
                      Washington, D.C. 


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MVTLEB.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

              MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT INVESTIGATIONS:                     

                      Mary Ellen Beekman
           Special Agent, FBI, New York Field Office
                       Michael R. Daly
          Detective, New York City Police Department


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NCIC.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                       NCIC TRAINING:  HIT OR MISS


                              Don M. Johnson 
                              Special Agent 
                     FBI Headquarters, Washington, DC


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P_VIEWP14.zip (3K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                         POINT OF VIEW                                
                CAMPUS POLICE:  A DIFFERENT VIEW                         


                            Gigi Ray                                   
                      Training Coordinator
                      University of Texas 
               Arlington Campus Police Department


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PATROL.zip (4K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                      THE PATROL FUNCTION                                   


                       Patrick V. Murphy                       
          Former Police Commissioner of New York City
          Current Director of the Police Policy Board
             The United States Conference of Mayors
                        Washington, DC


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08



                       Vincent A. Matulewich                                
                   Supervisory State Investigator
                  Environmental Prosecutions Bureau
               New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice


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SCHOOL.zip (6K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                PREPARING FOR SCHOOL CRISIS                     


                   David Nichols, Ph.D.                              
                 Director, Public Safety
              Jacksonville State University


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                   POLICE SNIPER TRAINING 

                    John Plaster, Major
                   Director of Instruction
       Minnesota National Guard Counter Sniper School
                    St. Paul, Minnesota 


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08


                             M. Lee Murrah
                             Attorney at Law
                             6504 Hillcrest Rd.
                             Roanoke, Texas 76262
                             Metro 430-3760 (Area 817)


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STEROIDS19.zip (7K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                  ABUSE OF ANABOLIC STEROIDS                            

                    Charles Swanson, Ph.D.
                        Faculty Member
                Vinson Institute of Government
                    University of Georgia

                     Larry Gaines, Ph.D.
          Chair, Department of Police Administration 
                 Eastern Kentucky University

                     Barbara Gore, M.S.
                     Research Assistant
                Vinson Institute of Government
                    University of Georgia


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USCON.zip (16K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

The Constitution of the United States of America


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WEAPONSP10.zip (5K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:11:08

                VEHICULAR LONG BARREL WEAPONS MOUNT                    


                         David W. Pisenti                                
                          Special Agent
                      Firearms Training Unit 
                           FBI Academy


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