IMAGE - History (1,345K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

A timeline of the history of the world based on biblical events.


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TEXT - A McCracken - The Book of (501K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

A Modern English Translation of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch with introduction
and notes by Andy McCracken.


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TEXT - EW Bullinger - Number In (576K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance
By E.W. Bullinger (1837-1913)

E.W. Bullinger's classic work, Numbers in Scripture, is an invaluable guide to
the study of Bible Numerics. Bullinger's two-fold approach to the subject first
examines the supernatural design of the Bible. He notes the amazing patterns of
numbers and numerical feature of the Scriptures that give evidence of their
Designer. The second section highlights the spiritual significance and symbolic
connotation of numbers which are repeated in different context throughout the
Bible. An example is the use of the number seven or the use of '666' in the
book of Revelation. This study will provide a treasure trove of insights and
practical applications for Pastors, teachers and Bible students.


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TEXT - EW Bullinger - The Witness of the (262K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

The Witness of the Stars
By E.W. Bullinger (1837-1913)

An in-depth study of the constellations and principal stars as they pertain to
prophetic truth. E. W. Bullinger shows how the constellations witness to the
accuracy of biblical prophecy. He uses quotes from the bible and astronomy to
make his case for the existence of God. This work explains how the stars
declare the Glory of God.


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TEXT - JA Seiss - The Gospel in the (4,032K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

The Gospel in the Stars
By Joseph A. Seiss

The ancient wise men from the East read the skies and journeyed to worship the
Christ. Do the heavens that reveal God's glory also reveal his plan of
salvation? Yes, says Joseph A. Seiss, who contemplated the strange figures of
the zodiac and studied the writings of astronomers through the ages.

After extensive research, Seiss looked into the night and became convinced that
God had etched his good news there, so that people in darkness might see and
have hope. Drawing upon scientific, historical, and biblical sources, Seiss
assembles persuasive arguments supporting his thesis that the gospel of Jesus
Christ can be seen in the stars.

This study of the heavens confronts the false teachings of astrology to reveal
celestial players acting out the epic drama of creation and revelation: the
virgin, the coming one, the scales of justice, the toiling deceiver, the
scorpion, the ram, and the lion. Popular since its first publication in 1882,
The Gospel in the Stars continues to illuminate discussions of the heavens, the
gospel, and the careful hand of the Creator who intertwined the two.


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TEXT - JR Church - Found At Last; The Jewish Calendar's 240 Missing (619K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Found At Last: The Jewish Calendar's 240 Missing Years
by J.R. Church

The Persian Empire started with the fall of Babylon in 538 BC. But the Jewish
calendar dates the event at 374 BC. How could they be so far wrong?


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TEXT - JR Church - Mount Hermon; Gate of the Fallen (10K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels
by J.R. Church 

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Hermon means "Forbidden Place."
Jerome (4th-century translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible) interpreted Hermon
as "anathema." Mount Hermon was the port of entry for a group of wicked angels,
who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. Moses wrote: "The sons of God
saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all
which they chose …. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also
after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of
renown" (Gen. 6:1-4). 


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TEXT - JR Church - The Millennial-Day (11K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

The Millennial-Day Theory
by J.R. Church 

Early theologians believed that Christ would return at the end of 6,000 years.
What a thought! What a possibility! Even if we considered this proposed time
schedule to be only approximate, we can still see prophetic scriptures being
fulfilled around us today. I want to take you back in history to see several
ancient accounts of those who believed that Christ would return at the close of
6,000 years.


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TEXT - JR Church - The Untold Story Behind Creation (7K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

The Untold Story Behind Creation Week
by J.R. Church 

Using a computer astronomy program and J.R. pokes around to see what was
happening in the sky 6,000 years ago. Did mankind evolve as the evolutionists
say? Or are we the product of intelligent design? If God created this universe
... and created man, how can we prove it? 


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TEXT - RH Charles - The Book of (325K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

The Book of Enoch
Translated by R.H. Charles, D.Litt., D.D.
With an Introduction by W.O.E. Oesterley, D.D.

R.H. Charles provides a definitive translation of one of the most noted
apocalyptic works still in existence. The Book of Enoch exists only in the
Ethiopic Version; this was translated from the Greek Version, of which only a
few portions are extant. It covers the pre-existance in ancient times of the
leadership in the next world. It explains plainly some of the metaphores used
in this book and the Bible.


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TEXT - The Resurrection (15K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

C. Sanders, a military historian, in his, ΓÇ£Introduction to Research in English
Literary History,ΓÇ¥  there are three tests to be used in determining the
historical reliability of any document.  These are:  1) the bibliographical
test, 2) the internal evidence test, 3) the external evidence test.  Since the
New Testament is a document, among other things, and this is the result of it
being subjected to this test.


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VIDEO - Bill Wiese - 23 Minutes in (872M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced
the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons,
and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit--"Tell them I am
coming very, very soon!"

WieseΓÇÖs visit to Hell lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with
vivid details etched in his memory. Since this life-changing ordeal, he has
spent the last seven years studying the Scriptures to find answers and has
listed more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell.

Everyone is curious about the afterlife, and now Wiese shares his insights to
commonly asked questions such as:

Is hell a literal burning place?

Where is hell?

Do you have a body in hell?

Are there Degrees of punishment in hell?

Are there children in hell?

Can Demons torment people in hell?

Can "good" people go to hell?


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of this website or its operators. Our only intent is to provide this material
for educational and entertainmment purposes. By downloading this material, you
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VIDEO - Chris White - Ancient Aliens (1,140M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the
History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point
critique of the "ancient astronaut theory" which has been proposed by people
like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others. The film
covers topics like: Ancient building sites: Puma Punku, The Pyramids, Baalbek,
Incan sites, And Easter Island. Ancient artifacts: Pacal's rocket, the Nazca
lines, the Tolima "fighter jets", the Egyptian "light bulb", Ufo's in ancient
art, and the crystal skulls. Ancient text issues: Ezekiel's wheel, Ancient
nuclear warfare, Vimana's, the Anunnaki, and the Nephilim. It was produced by
Chris White and includes commentary from Dr. Michael Heiser. 


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VIDEO - CSE - Seminar 01 - The Age of the (413M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Topics: Two World Views - Creation or Evolution, Lots of truth and a little lie
- Lots of good food and a little poison, Dinosaur Adventure Land, Science
books, Cosmic Evolution, Big Bang, Chemical Evolution, Stellar and Planetary
Evolution, Organic Evolution, Origin of life, Macro-evolution, Micro-evolution,
variation, Conservation of Angular Momentum, Second Law of Thermodynamics,
Columbine, Over population, New World Order NWO, Super Novas, Saturn's rings,
Moon distance, Short period comets, Order of creation backwards of evolution,
Magnetic reversals, Pangaea, Largest desert, Oil pressure, Ice cores and the
Lost Squadron, Quick fossilization, Tree rings, Coral reef, Niagara Falls,
Stalagmite and stalactite, 501c3 and the IRS, Dinosaurs in the ark, Kent Hovind


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VIDEO - CSE - Seminar 02 - The Garden of (552M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Topics: Man lived to be 900, KJV vs NIV NASB, Gap theory, Day age theory, Old
earth vs young earth, Canopy of water or ice above atmosphere, More oxygen pre-
flood, Hyperbaric oxygen chamber, giant plants, lots of coal, artifacts found
in coal, x-ray, Giant people, Regenerating ribs, Giant fossil humans, Giant
insects, Cave men in the bible, Cave men mistakes and hoaxes, Lucy, Giant
animal fossils, Dinosaurs just large reptiles, Ica stones, Dinosaur and human
footprints together, The Bible and health, Cure for cancer, Fluoride, 2
philosophies of law and government, Sharp tooth vegetarians, Kent Hovind.


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VIDEO - CSE - Seminar 03 - Dinosaurs in the (1,074M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Topics: Dinosaurs in Noah's ark, Small dinosaurs, 8000 kinds of animals, Flood
legends Noah's ark and Mt. Ararat, Ron Wyatt, Location of the ark, Dragons and
legends, Humans and dinosaurs drawn together, Fire breathing, Nasca burial
stones, Ica stones, Sea serpents, Giant squid, Dinosaurs in the Bible,
Behemoth, Dinosaurs alive today, Japanese Pleasiosaurs, California sea monster,
Brontosaurs in Africa, Chipekwe, Ngururi, Mokele-Mbembe, Loch Ness, Japan
Kussie, Issie from Lake Ikeda, Storsjoodjuret, Ogopogo, Chessie, Besse, Champ,
Ropen, Thunderbird, Kent Hovind


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VIDEO - CSE - Seminar 04 - Lies in the (822M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Topics: For truth, against lies, 1908 textbook 6 day creation and prayer,
evolution taught as fact, no mention of creation, Grand Canyon, Revolutions,
Charles Lyell, Geologic column, Fossils date the rocks, Rocks date the fossils,
Circular reasoning, Moving water sorts layers, Index fossils, Living fossils,
Coelacanth, dinosaur soft tissue and blood cells, Petrified trees through many
rock layers and in coal, Rapid fossilization, Charles Darwin, Finches on the
Galapagos Islands, Variation within the kind, Evolution limited, Zebroids and
horses, Leopon, Ligers, Bacteria resistance, Hitler, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin,
Andrew Carnegie, Mutations, Natural selection, Fruit fly mutations, Homologous
structures, Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, Embryology, Gill slits, Earnst
Haeckel, Common ancestors, Common designer, Abortion, Columbine, Hitler
exterminating inferiors, Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood,
Vestigial structures, appendix, Whale pelvis, Snake legs, Human eye, Mount
Rushmore, Hair on bacteria flagellum, Miller Urey experiment, Oxygen, Amino
acids, Frog in blender, Super computer vs honey bee, DNA complexity, Junk DNA,
Punctuated equilibrium, Horse evolution, Spoon spork fork, Dinosaurs to birds,
Archaeopteryx, Feather and scales, Kent Hovind


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VIDEO - CSE - Seminar 05 - The Dangers of (208M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Topics: Evolution removes all morality and is the foundation of humanism,
racism, Nazism, Communism, and Satan's New World Order. School shootings,
Satan's plan vs God's plan, Reduce human population, Vaccinations, Chemtrails,
Slavery, Australian Aborigines, Eugenics, Ota Benga, Indian relocation, Trail
of Tears, Hitlers list, Private property, Pledge to the world, Control of
money, Social Security, Federal Reserve Note, Lawful Money, people vs PERSONS,
Communist Manifesto, Communist rules for revolution, Gun control, Pol Pot, Mao
Tse-Tung, Hutton, Lyell, Darwin, What do Americans believe, Separation of
church and state, The committee of 300, Illuminati, Executive orders, Masons,
Kent Hovind


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VIDEO - CSE - Seminar 06 - The Hovind (234M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Topics: Faults, Pangaea, Magnetic reversals, Platetechtonics, Ice Age,
Mammoths, Inverse square law, Spinning top, Moon craters, Mysner effect,
Comets, Earths magnetic field, Pre-flood different, Peleg, Layer of water in
crust, meteors, Ice meteor, super cold ice, wobble of earth, God hates sin,
Water in space, fossils in Antarctica, Local flood, Diatomatious earth, Out of
place artifacts, rapid fossilization, Cavitation, hydraulic plucking, abrasion,
and liquefaction, Sand plumes and mounds, Floods devastation, canyons and rock
formations, curved layers, Oceans deeper, Continental shelf, Grand canyon,
steep sides, looping and meandering, Mt. St. Helens, Rapid river and canyon
formation, Colorado river flows down hill, Spirit lake, Rapid coal formation, 
Unconformity, Kent Hovind


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VIDEO - CSE - Seminar 07 (a&b) - Q&A Session (304M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Topics: All scientists believe evolution, Creationists denied work, List of
Christian scientists, Separation of church and state, Bible in school, See
stars billions of light years away, Trigonometric distance, Slow down speed of
light, Light speed changed, Red shift, Cepheid variables, Zodiac, Sun
shrinking, Carbon dating, C14, Potassium argon dating, Fresh dinosaur bones,
Where are human fossils, Is pitch from oil, Was ancient man primitive, Giant
stones, Artifacts in coal and fossilized, Ancient brain surgery, Antarctica
without ice, Metal sphere, The great pyramid, Earth a hot molten mass, Polonium
halos, Global warming, Green river formation, Mars rocks, Theistic evolution,
Other religions, The sabbath, The pope and evolution, What do Muslims believe,
Mormons, Jehovah's witness, Contradictions in the Bible, Why KJV, Textus
Receptus or Alexandrian Manuscripts, Bible codes, Who created God, Mr. and Mrs.
Flat, Races, Curse on Canaan, Tower of Babel, Cloning, Poisonous snakes, Ark of
the Covenant, God's name in Jerusalem, Big foot, Nephilim, UFO's, How long were
Adam and Eve in the garden, Mark of the beast, Straw man, Shroud of Turin,
Created and made, Scientific creation, Dr. Hovind Ph.D., Symbiosis
relationships, Giant insects today, Red sea crossing, Mt. Sinai, Sodom,
Unicorn, Missing names in Bible, Carnivorous animals, Sarcasm with scoffers,
Days before the sun, Kent Hovind


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VIDEO - CSE - Seminar 08 (c&d) - Q&A Session (354M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:24:02

Topics: All scientists believe evolution, Creationists denied work, List of
Christian scientists, Separation of church and state, Bible in school, See
stars billions of light years away, Trigonometric distance, Slow down speed of
light, Light speed changed, Red shift, Cepheid variables, Zodiac, Sun
shrinking, Carbon dating, C14, Potassium argon dating, Fresh dinosaur bones,
Where are human fossils, Is pitch from oil, Was ancient man primitive, Giant
stones, Artifacts in coal and fossilized, Ancient brain surgery, Antarctica
without ice, Metal sphere, The great pyramid, Earth a hot molten mass, Polonium
halos, Global warming, Green river formation, Mars rocks, Theistic evolution,
Other religions, The sabbath, The pope and evolution, What do Muslims believe,
Mormons, Jehovah's witness, Contradictions in the Bible, Why KJV, Textus
Receptus or Alexandrian Manuscripts, Bible codes, Who created God, Mr. and Mrs.
Flat, Races, Curse on Canaan, Tower of Babel, Cloning, Poisonous snakes, Ark of
the Covenant, God's name in Jerusalem, Big foot, Nephilim, UFO's, How long were
Adam and Eve in the garden, Mark of the beast, Straw man, Shroud of Turin,
Created and made, Scientific creation, Dr. Hovind Ph.D., Symbiosis
relationships, Giant insects today, Red sea crossing, Mt. Sinai, Sodom,
Unicorn, Missing names in Bible, Carnivorous animals, Sarcasm with scoffers,
Days before the sun, Kent Hovind


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VIDEO - David Flynn - Mars Earth Connection Cydonia, Genesis 3, Part 1 (enhanced version).zip (2,823M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

VIDEO - David Flynn - Mars Earth Connection Cydonia, Gene

VIDEO - David Flynn - Message of the Roswell (93,866K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

From the archives David Flynn. David's analysis of the 1947 UFO crash at
Roswell, New Mexico gives you an idea of the mental acuity he brings to bear on
the hidden messages encoded in the location of Solomon's temple.
David Flynn is a cryptoarchaeologist ΓÇö someone who teases out the deeper
meanings of anomalies that scientists can't explain. What to make of the
location of the crash on the 33rd parallel (33 degrees North), considering that
"33" is a very important number to occultists? Is it just a coincidence? How
about this: Multiplying 33 times pi (3.141592…) equals 104 — the longitude o
the crash site? There's a whole lot more. And all the numbers seem to point to
the end of the age.


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VIDEO - David Flynn - The Mars Earth Connection Cydonia in Ancient Science and (178M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

The late David Flynn explains the Earth Mars connection from human antiquity
to the present day.


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VIDEO - HBP - Zeitgeist Refuted Final (236M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

Zeitgeist Refuted is a documentary film in response to the bold claims made in
Peter JosephΓÇÖs Zeitgeist the movie. Many are unaware that the Zeitgeist
allegations are unfounded and cannot be substantiated by primary sources. In
the study of history as an academic discipline, a primary source or original
source is an artifact, a document, or other source of information that was
created at the time under study. It serves as an original source of information
about the topic. The little original source material that Zeitgeist does
present is blatantly misinterpreted or misrepresented according to scholars.

This film examines the similarities and differences of pagan religions
according to history and scholarly opinion. Additionally, it explores the
historicity of Jesus. Also discussed are the Jesus Myth Theory and
Astrotheology. The viewer will also see a critique of the works of Zeitgeist
sources cited in the Zeitgeist bibliography such as Acharya S, Gerald Massey
and Jordan Maxwell. This documentary exposes the Freemasonry, Theosophy and New
Age influence on Zeitgeist and the Zeitgeist Movement.


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VIDEO - Leonard Ulrich - NWO Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy - Vol. 1 (HD).zip (818M)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:13:09

This video presentation is an achievement, and a serious contribution to our
understanding of the world we live in. It is a theory of history: a successful
delineation of the big picture of what has been happening and why. Like any
good theory, it tells you why things happened, and if it is correct and you
apply it you ought to be able to understand what is going on now and predict
what will happen in the future.


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VIDEO - Leonard Ulrich 2 - NWO Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy - Vol. (3,198M)

Uploaded Sat Aug 10 2024 01:35:51

VIDEO - Leonard Ulrich 2 - NWO Secret Societies and Biblic