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A list of IBM's AS/400 Commands


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Aspen Voice Mail Systems


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BATCOMPI compiles a batch file into a stand-alone .COM file. In general, .COM
files produced in this manner run several times faster than the equivalent .BAT
file and the longer the file, the greater the difference in speed.  If BATCOMPI
encounters an error when compiling the file, it will notify you with an error
message and point out the line in which the error is found.


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              Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
                   Of the Requirements of
                     Mass Communications
                      Michael H. Riddle
                  Sysop on 1:285/27@fidonet


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Defamation liability of computerized bulletin board operators and problems of


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UNIX for Beginning Users


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A list of some of the most useful UNIX commands.


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Death of the blue box


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Information on the Brain Virus And Variants


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Browser-Based Cryptography Tools

High-security data encryption solutions which run entirely in your Web


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Bulgarian and Soviet Virus Factories

It is now well known that Bulgaria is leader in computer virus production and
the USSR is following closely. This paper tries to answer the main questions:
Who makes viruses there, What viruses are made, and Why this is done. It also
underlines the impact of this process on the West, as well as on the national
software industry.


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To Catch A Hacker. The true story of John Maxfield, electronic private eye.


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Cable scrambling by The Mad Phone-man.


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The Chrome Box

Emergency vehicles in many cities are now using devices called OptoComs. 
OptoComs are a system of sensors on traffic lights that detect a pattern of
flashes from vehicle-mounted strobe lights.


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Civil Liberties in Cyberspace: When does hacking turn from an exercise of civil
liberties into crime?


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 "Closing the Net"
  Greg Costikyan


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Columbus Day Virus: Press Release


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Computer security testimony.


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                        COMPUTER CRIMES:
                   AN ESCALATING CRIME TREND                       


                      William S. Sessions                               
                Federal Bureau of Investigation


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                       (By Michael S. Borella)


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Placing a copyright on cyberspace


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                         POINT OF VIEW                            
             A MANAGER'S GUIDE TO COMPUTER PROJECTS                            

                        Charles Brennan                      
                 Information Systems Division 
          Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Police Department


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The Usenet virus: a case history


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Copyrights and Computer Software

by Sam Kitterman, Jr., LVPCUG


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Info on Bell'S Cosmos system.


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A transcript of hacker's trial in court


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Welcome to "Computer Viruses - A Protagonist's Point Of View." The purpose
of this magazine is to expand and broaden the general computer user's view and
knowledge of the dreadful computer Virus, as well as a bit on Trojans.


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Welcome to "Computer Viruses - A Protagonist's Point Of View." The purpose
of this magazine is to expand and broaden the general computer user's view and
knowledge of the dreadful computer Virus, as well as a bit on Trojans.


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Cracking copy protected software.


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NCSA "Comparison: Products to Detect Changes to Programs"

This is a review of some of those checksum algorithms and CRC comparison
programs. In it, I make an effort to concisely describe the merits of this
class of products, and then to help you in selecting a product from their


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Computer Crimes Laws by State


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Crypt Newsletters

Viruses, condensed results of NCSA scanner evaluation and more.


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The "Computer  Security  Act  of 1987"


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                           ASSOCIATION, INC.
                         (COMSEC ASSOCIATION)


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An introduction to the C shell.


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This bulletin discusses the establishment and operation of a security program
as a management function and describes some of the features and issues common
to most organizations.


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Computer Security and the Law


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CompuServe Magazine's Virus History Timeline


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An open forum dedicated to sharing information among computer users and to the presentation and debate of diverse views.
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An open forum dedicated to sharing
information among computer users and to
the presentation and debate of diverse
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An open forum dedicated to sharing
information among computer users and to
the presentation and debate of diverse
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An open forum dedicated to sharing
information among computer users and to
the presentation and debate of diverse
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An open forum dedicated to sharing
information among computer users and to
the presentation and debate of diverse
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An open forum dedicated to sharing
information among computer users and to
the presentation and debate of diverse
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Computer Virus Myths


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Cyberspace and the Legal Matrix: Laws or Confusion?


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Tapping computer transmissions.


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DDN Security Bulletins published by: DDN Security Coordination Center


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In this article you will learn how to log in to dec's, logging out, and all the
fun stuff to do in-between.


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DoD Federal Data Bases


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The basics of Data General computers.


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The basics of DEC's.


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DEC Terminal Server Basics


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The Electronic Communication's Privacy Act


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General Information about the Electronic Frontier Foundation 


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                        Seth F. Jacobs
             Director, Research Statistics Program
                      SEARCH Group, Inc.


                       David J. Roberts
                  Deputy Director, Programs
                      SEARCH Group, Inc.
              The National Consortium for Justice 
                  Information and Statistics
                    Sacramento, California


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New Communications Technologies and Traditional Civil Liberties


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Email privacy


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The Defense of Entrapment As it Applies to Bulletin Board System Operators


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Anti-Viral Product Evaluation


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The Executive Guide to the Protection of Information Resources by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology 


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A Summary of FBI Computer Systems 


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Commentary on the "Fish" virus.


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Government Computer Security Techniques


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Globe Trotter monthly magazine.


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This list is dedicated to the efforts of the end user and system operators
who have had very little support. Now, through The Guardian List, those users
and system operators stand a chance in the fight against  worms, trojans, and
viruses, reporting the results to you, the user. It is because of the efforts
of many system operators who have spent countless hours to have a netork online
and because of the end users who love PD and ShareWare programs that this list
is presented and aggressively maintained.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A Novice's Guide to Hacking


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of this website or its operators. Our only intent is to provide this material
for educational and nostalgic purposes. By downloading this material, you
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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Hacking basics guide.


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for educational and nostalgic purposes. By downloading this material, you
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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Computer acronyms and their definitions.


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of this website or its operators. Our only intent is to provide this material
for educational and nostalgic purposes. By downloading this material, you
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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

The Hacker's Handbook


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A case where the police were eager to catch the computer criminals before they
did their homework.


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Hacking (1K)

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A hacking tutorial.


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UNIX Abuse Collection


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Net Hormones

Infection Control assuming Cooperation among Computers


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

H.R. 5061

The text of proposed federal legislation imposing possible fines, jail
sentences and civil liability on purveyors of computer viruses and other
harmful programs. The title of the Act is "The Computer Virus Eradication Act".
It was sponsored during the 1988 session of Congress by Congressman Wally
Herger, 26th District, California.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Virus Hysteria

A how-to guide on protecting ourselves from the ravages of the computer
criminal and computer viruses.


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The IBM VM/370 Mainframe.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Coping with Computer Viruses and Related Problems

A paper from IBM.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

UNIX for Intermediate Users


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The Information Systems Security Monitor


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

This document is a collection of slang terms used by various subcultures of
computer hackers.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A few notes on the Kinnison Virus.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A report on a Macintosh virus from Cornell Information Technologies.


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            |                                                      |
            |                                                      |
            |                                                      |
            |            MICROCOMPUTER SECURITY SURVEY             |
            |                                                      |
            |                                                      |
            |                         AND                          |
            |                                                      |
            |                                                      |
            |              RISK ANALYSIS ALTERNATIVE               |
            |                                                      |
            |                                                      |
            |                                                      |
            |                                                      |


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Milnet is a system used for communication use.


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Hackers in the MOB


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                      RVEC Parameters and DMSTK Format

                  A Telecom Computer Security Bulletin File


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Hacking Unix


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for educational and nostalgic purposes. By downloading this material, you
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consequences that may result from its use. (29K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

This bibliography of computer security documents was prepared by the National
Computer Security Association and also serves as a good list of recommended


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A Novice's Guide to Hacking


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for educational and nostalgic purposes. By downloading this material, you
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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Discussions regarding security holes in NetWare.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Features of the Blackjack Virus


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Pdp-11 Basic plus programming


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A report on the "Peace" virus.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

This draft policy is provided as a model for an organization's consideration 
and adoption. It was prepared by the National Computer Security Association. 


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PRIME/SNA commands


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                      THE PRIVATE AND OPEN SOCIETY
                            BY JOHN GILMORE


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An outline of the written specifications for the CIS A Protocol.


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The Phunky Virus Writing Guide.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Commentary on a "Trojan Horse" PostScript file.


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The Dr. Ripco seizure


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by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National
Computer Security Center (NCSC)


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Danger Lurking in the Public Domain


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A list of KNOWN virus affecting IBM PCs and compatibles.


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Notes of the presentation to the Institution of Production Engineers


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                         PROTOTYPING SP4


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Most viruses announce their presence by doing such obvious things as consuming
system resources, destroying files or causing distinctly abnormal actions on
the screen.  The stealth virus, on the other hand, quietly sits in the
computer's memory doing nasty things to your system over a long period.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Commentary on a Trojan Horse called "Steroid".


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How to remove the Marijuana (Stoned) virus from your hard drive.

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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

An expose' on experiments showing that RS-232 data signals can be intercepted
several meters away from a target system, even when a shielded data cable is


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The Basics of Hacking (4K)

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The Basics of Hacking II


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The personal information power of telecommunication technology and the current
threat to our basic civil liberties -- our rights to privacy and to protection
against unwarranted searches and seizures.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

An inspection of you local Telco office trash receptacles can reveal a wealth
of documents of great interest to a telecommunications hobbiest.


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Published by the National Computer Systems Laboratory (NCSL) of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


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User Interface Copyright history


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A list of known viruses in the UK.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

                **                                             **
                **         Unix Use and Security From          **
                **              The Ground Up                  **
                **                                             **


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A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Unix users.


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Detail about a Unix scam.


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UNIX Bourne Shell Programming


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Tutorial on hacking through a UNIX system


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UNIX Hacking Made Easy


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Unix System Basics


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On the Security of UNIX


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+                        UNIX : A Hacking Tutorial                          +


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

UNIX System V


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A report about American agents setting a virus loose in Iraqi defense computers
during operation Desert Storm.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Virus 101

An educational guide covering virus fundamentals.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

           %%                                                        %%
           %%                  VAX COMPUTER SYSTEMS                  %%
           %%                                                        %%


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

VAX and UNIX systems.


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of this website or its operators. Our only intent is to provide this material
for educational and nostalgic purposes. By downloading this material, you
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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

VMS System Managers Manual


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Beginners Guide to VAX/VMS


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

        This file is a compilation of at least 5 minutes of work looking
through various text files and notes and buffer captures.  All the defaults
I could find are on here.  Everyone of the accounts could also have
NO PASSWORD, so try  too.  Theres no end to stupidity.  The most likely
to the no password accounts are the guest and demo accounts.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

                         HACKING VAX'S VMS


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

                      WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "V A X"
          You will find within the following pages some basically 
        accurate and somewhat useful information on using the VAX-D.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

The VAX Programs List


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

In this article, we discuss the UNIX system that runs on the various VAX
systems.  If you areon another UNIX-type system, some commands may differ, but
since it is licensed to Bell, they can't make many changes. 


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consequences that may result from its use. (2K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

This file will list most default accounts/passwords on VAX/VMS, commands for
non-privileged accts and commands for privileged accounts, how to set up your
own acct, list users and how to shut down the system.


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consequences that may result from its use. (3K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Inside VAX/VMS Using Command Procedures


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Defining a robust virus detection utility.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A discussion on CRC checking.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A discussion on a mystery virus.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

NCSA Testimony on Virus Bills


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A discussion about the Jerusalem B virus.


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Virus (392K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53


This is a collection of computer viruses. PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION. It is 
highly recommended that these only be used in a virtual workstation environment
so that any results or mistakes will be contained.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A comparison of the results between Mcaffe's SCAN.EXE and F-PROT.EXE.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Computer Viruses and Trojan Horses; A Guide to Protecting Your Computer


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

The "Virus Informer" is a weekly virus newsletter.


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This document provides a list of suggested readings for obtaining information
about computer viruses and other related threats to computer security.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Various virus-related stories.


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

A Profile on VAX systems.


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The VT Hacker


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53



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An opinion on the government's "fear program" in the pursuit of hackers


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Get a free membership at! (17K)

Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

Crisis and aftermath. (the Internet worm)


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Uploaded Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:53

-=-            XENIX            -=-
=-=   Commands and Infomation   =-=


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